



Written By shortstory1
Written By shortstory1
my heart is suffering from psychosis My heart is suffering from psychosis because it beats faster when I am not doing anything or when there is nothing exciting happening.
A couple of months ago my heart started to bet faster when I was just sitting down and I wondered to myself as to why my heart was beating so fast when I wasn't doing anything.
Then it hit me that my heart must be suffering from psychosis.
My heart must be suffering hallucinations or some sort of bipolar disorder.
I couldn't believe it but this must be karma for all of the times that I laughed at people with mental health problems.
Yes there were times that I laughed at people with mental health problems, but I tried redeeming myself by making crazy people seem less crazy.
If I saw a man talking to himself, then I would join in the conversation to make it seem like he was talking to me.
When my heart was suffering from an episode of psychosis delusions, I would go for a jog to make it seem like my heart was beating faster because of me jogging.
I wonder what my heart was hallucinating to make it beat faster when there nothing physically strenuous happening.
My heart could start happening an episode of psychosis during a conversation between friends.
The psychosis episodes would always happen during the worst times when I was engaged in something public.
I preferred my heart to have its psychosis episodes when I was alone.
Like if I was in bed and my heart was beating fast, I would wonder to myself what my heart was thinking or seeing.
I would then do some exercise to make it seem like my heart was beating fast due to the exercise.
We always question why bad things happen to us but I guess they just do.
I saw another crazy person in my area boxing with someone that isn't there.
I decided to box opposite him to make it seem like he was boxing me.
This also name it seem like my heart was beating fast because of this physical exercise.
I am one of the crazy people now and my hearts psychosis delusions are happening more and it's really bad.
I want to talk to someone about it but things like psychos and delusions are too embarrassing.
I want to reach out to someone because trying to make something look normal is hard work.
Sometimes I just let my heart go through it's psychosis episodes in silence and in a dark room.